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Meet Mia Anastasia Farrow, a Drag Queen Promoting Awareness and Advocacy 

Meet Mia Anastasia Farrow, a Drag Queen Promoting Awareness and Advocacy 

Lolita Mojica
Meet Mia Anastasia Farrow, a Drag Queen Promoting Awareness and Advocacy 

Originally hailing from Guatemala, Mia Anastasia Farrow is a Long Beach local whose larger-than-life personality has equipped her with the audacity and vigor to demand better for her community. 

Before she was the boisterous performer so many have to come love, Mia was someone who was not entirely comfortable in her own skin. 

Coming from a conservative and sheltered background, there weren’t many opportunities for her to explore the way she was questioning her gender identity. 

“One day, around 2004, I was just flipping through channels and I came across season 1 of RuPaul’s Drag Race,” Mia said. “I was so drawn to the art of drag. I binged the whole show.”

Photo provided by Mia Farrow.

Her dream to seek out unencumbered artistic expression became more tangible after visiting Hamburger Mary’s for the first time, circa 2009. 

“I had always been into acting, comedy, anything that involved being in the spotlight. I just knew that drag was something I wanted to do,” Mia said. 

Shortly after, Mia met Bella Farrow, a fellow Central American who quickly took her under her wing. 

“She taught me how to put on my makeup and make sure I look right,” Mia said with a laugh. “And this before the days of padding, ok.”

After some time, the pair grew closer and Bella let Mia know it was time to choose her official drag name. 

“Being that she’s my drag mother, my last name would be Farrow. I went back and forth with first names, I think I made a list of over 50,” Mia said. “I’d always liked the name Mia and I also loved Anastasia. My little sister was the one who put the two together.”

Photo provided by Mia Farrow.

Through drag performing, Mia found a deep sense of self. 

“Drag became my saving grace. I found a group of similar people who love fun, live life and navigate this crazy world, with its drag phobia, which still exists even within the LGBT community”, Mia said.

Eventually, with the help of some friends, Mia went on to form the Latin Divas, who would put on regular performances at Hamburger Mary’s. She credits the group for getting her through some of the most difficult moments in her life. 

“They made me realize that I was stuck in survival mode for so long and taught me that I don’t have to live in that space anymore,” Mia said. 

As her platform grew, Mia started to think of ways to incorporate her day-to-day life as a behavioral therapist to promote advocacy for individuals with special needs and autism. 

Photo provided by Mia Farrow.

Her advocacy work started with a 5k  that she would run every year for special needs or autistic individuals, seeking donors who would essentially sponsor the run.

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After a while, Mia came to realize that a lot of the struggles of individuals with special needs and autism mirror those of the queer community. 

“I figured I’m a loudmouth as it, is so I may as well speak up,” Mia said with a laugh. “I can use my platform and be one more voice that’s calling for visibility.”

Over the years, Mia has put on shows at Hamburger Mary’s with inclusivity in mind. 

The shows, geared toward all ages, would also provide accommodations like special lighting for those with light sensitivities and headphones for those experiencing overstimulation from loud sounds.

Photo provided by Mia Farrow.

“I pride myself on always including an educational portion, there are usually pamphlets on the tables and I speak on things people might not know about,” Mia said. “Like how nearly 1 in 5 children have autism.”

For those looking to get involved, Mia urges them to simply reach out to her so they might navigate a plan together. 

“If I can help a friend feel comfortable and supported, that’s what I’m going to do,” Mia said. “And I’d love to help other people do that for their community as well.” 

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