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A new kind of art show is coming to Altar Society this weekend

A new kind of art show is coming to Altar Society this weekend

Lolita Mojica
A new kind of art show is coming to Altar Society this weekend

Dozens of artists will have their art on display at the former Masonic Temple on Pine Avenue, now home to Altar Society, a brewery and event space this weekend. The show is curated by While West in conjunction with Hunnibuzz. 

The team behind While West and Hunnibuzz. Photo via @whilewestlb on Instagram

For the organizers of the show, seeking out the historic location was a no-brainer.

It is arguably the oldest historical building in Long Beach,” event organizer Nadia Jimenez-Jackson said. “We wanted to have a modern event in one of Long Beach’s oldest landmarks. That is what drew us to it.”

The show seeks to bridge the gap among people of various backgrounds by creating a melting pot of public officials, business owners, long-time residents, students, newcomers, developers, and artists.

The While West art show coincides with the Downtown Long Beach Art Walk and will include 5 musical performances throughout the night. 

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This immersive experience aims to share Long Beach’s stories, both old and new, fostering collaboration and easing community concerns,” Jimenez-Jackson said. “This first art show marks the beginning of a series of group art shows that will culminate in an exciting outdoor festival, celebrating our community’s vibrant art scene.

The show is happening  this Saturday, July 13 from 2 to 11pm. For more information and a full lineup of the participating artists, be sure to check out While West on the web

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