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Celebrate local businesses, food and entertainment at Via Zaferia!

Celebrate local businesses, food and entertainment at Via Zaferia!

Lolita Mojica
Celebrate local businesses, food and entertainment at Via Zaferia!

Once a small, unassuming farm town, Zaferia blossomed into an entertainment destination in the early 1900s following the Pacific Railway depot that was built on Anaheim and Obispo. 

Before it was officially annexed into Long Beach in 1920, Zaferia came to be known as the place to be for drinks, food and live entertainment.

Photo provided by Zaferia Business Association

As the city developed and other areas of the city gained prominence, Zaferia became something like a thoroughfare, a place for passing through on the way somewhere else. 

In recent years, new and exciting businesses have helped return Zaferia back to its former splendor. 

The Zaferia Business Association (ZBA) invites everyone to come see all that this historic district has to offer with a celebration on June 22 called, Via Zaferia!. 

“Zaferia has been an entertainment destination since its inception,” ZBA executive director Marissa Pfeifer said. “This is a celebration that looks to capture the essence of its history.”

Via Zaferia! is a a decentralized festival of sorts that will feature dozens of Zaferia businesses offering up tasty food and drinks along with live music at some locations. 

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“People might think there’s not much going on but when they actually stop and engage, they’ll see there’s an art gallery, the playhouse, even a Michelin rated restaurant,” Pfeifer said. 


For added convenience, the Big Red Bus will be offering free service all throughout the district. Guests can plan their trip with this map and on June 22, a live tracker will be available for smooth travels. 

Photo provided by Zaferia Business Association

For more information on the summer solstice celebration highlighting one of Long Beach’s most vibrant neighborhoods and to see the full list of participants,  be sure to check out the ZBA’s website.

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