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Treat your kids to a summer they won’t soon forget

Treat your kids to a summer they won’t soon forget

Lolita Mojica
Treat your kids to a summer they won’t soon forget

Founded in 2020 by Angela Macias, the Scholars Collective seeks to create a summer day camp experience that goes beyond just one subject. 

In the program, kids are introduced to the world of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) through a wide range of activities designed to make learning fun and engaging. 

“Kids love our program because they get to do a lot of different things throughout the day,” Macias said. “Our program is high tech with things like gaming, PCs, 3D printers; things they might not always have access to at home.”

Photo of program participants provide by Angela Macias of Scholars Collective

The program takes a few ques from the Montessori school of thought in that kids are never forced into activities. 

While the program leaders do create lesson plans and outlines for daily instruction, for the most part, kids are in control of their experience. 


Aside from catering to children and their families, the Scholars Collective also seeks to uplift future teachers. Many of the staff are students looking to pursue careers in education. 

The program allows them the opportunity to gain experience in the day-to-day tasks associated with teaching like creating lesson plans while adhering to the state’s guidelines for education. Instruction is offered from experts in their respective fields such as engineers and local artists. 

Photo of program participants provide by Angela Macias of Scholars Collective

Prices for the summer day camp start at $30 for a half day and $45 for a full day. What’s unique about the Scholars Collective is that their day camp runs longer than most from 7am to 7pm. 

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They also offer scholarship opportunities and flexible payment options to meet families where they are. 


While the program does cater to a younger audience, high schoolers who wish to have access to the program and explore some of the amenities have the opportunity to volunteer and learn alongside everyone else. 

For more information on the program, be sure to visit the Scholars Collective website. Signups for summer day camp are now open! Treat your scholar to a summer they aren’t soon to forget.

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